Thursday, May 28, 2009

Nefer Graduated!!!

Well, she finally did it!! I'm soooo proud of my niece. Graduated from California State University Sacramento with a degree in Psychology - WOW! It was a lot of hard work. We all got together at the graduation and I had soooo much fun taking pictures, too! Here are a few of the pictures taken. (and I do mean a FEW)
The Graduate!

The 'bunny slippers' she wore during the ceremony! Too, cute.


But they DO really love each other.
The Group
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Thursday, May 14, 2009


Forgot one.....

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I can't believe I haven't blogged for almost a year! No excuses, just lazy I guess. I just had an urge to go out and take a bunch of pictures (don't you just love digital cameras). So here are a few of my favorite shots on this beautiful spring day. Enjoy.....and no I won't wait a whole year to post again....sheesh!

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